Apply for e-Services
Register for e-Services
Register for your e-Services account today to view and download your electricity usage at your fingertips.
If you are buying electricity from SP Group, you will be able to access your electricity bill and consumption information via the SP Utilities portal.
If you are buying electricity from an electricity retailer, register for your e-Services account here.
If you encounter any difficulties submitting your application form through this website, you may email a scanned copy of your application form to
What can I do via e-Services?
1. View, download and compare your electricity usage in half-hourly, daily or monthly intervals.
- The usage data is solely intended to provide you with an estimate of the electricity consumed at your premises and may not be used for billing purposes.
- There may be empty intervals of data on the estimated consumption data chart from time to time while data is being processed.
2. Grant consent to retailers to view your personal information, such as your monthly or half-hourly consumption data.
3. Submit meter readings three days before and up to 5 pm on their scheduled meter reading date after switching to a retailer. (Only applicable if you are not on AMI* metering option.)
- You can submit your own meter reading after switching if you prefer to be billed based on your actual meter readings for the months where your consumption is estimated.
- Submission of self-reads are not compulsory as your electricity consumption will be estimated on alternate months. SP Group reads your meters every two months.
*Using an advanced meter to measure your actual consumption on a half-hourly basis. An advanced meter will have to be installed at your premise.
Note: If you need to submit your final meter reading prior to switching to a new retailer, please do so via the online form here during the stipulated window period.