Apply for Contestability
Apply to Become Contestable as a Business Consumer
Small business consumers with an average monthly consumption not exceeding 2,000 kWh can buy electricity from retailers participating in the Open Electricity Market.
Larger business consumers with an average monthly consumption of at least 2,000 kWh can buy electricity from any electricity retailer.
To choose your electricity retailer as a business consumer, you need to complete this application form and submit it to SP Group.
You may submit your completed application form through the channels below:
- Email a scanned copy of your application form to; or
- Request your retailer to submit the application form to SP Group on your behalf.
Refer below for the list of documents which needs to be furnished together with the completed application form.
Required Documents
Non-Residential Account
Under Personal Name
Under Company Name
Copy of NRIC/Work Pass;
Letter of Authorisation
Required if signatory is not an authorised officer according to ACRA listing.
Note: The Letter of Authorisation must be completed by an authorised officer listed in the ACRA detailed Business Profile/BizFile. It should also be printed on the letterhead issued by the company, indicating the authorised signatory's name
Latest ACRA detailed Business Profile/BizFile
* Documentary proof of occupation of premises, e.g. Tenancy Agreement or property tax
* Copy of Licence Electrical Installation (LEI) from Energy Market Authority (EMA), if the electricity load is above 45kVA
You can apply for LEI upon receipt of your MSS account number
* Not applicable if you already have an existing Utilities Account registered with SP Group